
Showing posts from June, 2009

set up more workshops at Anuradhapura, Batticaloa, Trincomalee, Ampara and Kandy hospitals for the benefit of needy children who require artificial li

The Brandix factory in Punani, located in the conflict-recovering eastern district of Batticaloa,

Sri Lanka – MIC Newsline – June 19, 2009 – Dengue Casualties Rise – Six Killed within 24 Hours/ War Has Made 49,000 Widows in Eastern Province

Batticaloa Fishermen

EPDP co-ordinator for the Batticaloa district K. Arumailingam being the latest to join the bandwagon.

Military is still running after Tiger leader Nagulan and Kuilan operating in Batticaloa and Trincomalee


Moothoor IDPs relocated against their wish in Ki’liveddi

Brandix, a top Sri Lankan apparel maker, is planning to boost production at a factory built in Batticaloa

Kattankudy sends 40 cooks to feed IDPs

Transfers for senior police officers

TMVP takes steps to revamp

TNA Batticaloa district MP Thangeswari Kadiraman also hit headlines

Arumainayagam resumes as GA Batticaloa district

dengue fever has risen to 91 with the latest incident reporting from Batticaloa last evening. ...

With the strong likelihood of the entire TMVP membership taking SLFP

Pictorial Roadside Hopper Makers in Maamangam Batticaloa